来る2006年5月2日,Paso Roblesの38軒のワイナリがサンフランシスコのCrushpadで試飲会を開きます。業界向けが中心ですが,夕方5時半~7時半はコンシューマ向けです。
"CONSUMER TASTING Wine and Food Tasting: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. This is your chance to experience Paso Robles Wine Country in San Francisco. Meet the producers and taste wines from 38 Paso Robles wineries while sampling an array of foods. Purchase your $40 ticket in advance at www.pasowine.com."

Paso Robles Winemakers Host First San Francisco Tasting on May 2; Event at Crushpad Also Features Live Reality TV Show Casting Call
